Annie McWilliams is a Speech-Language Pathologist working in Bloomington Public Schools District 87 for the last 10 years. She specializes in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) with students with complex communication needs, kindergarten through high school. Additionally, she consults with teams across the school district and provides professional development in supporting communication in children with disabilities. Annie graduated with an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Illinois State University (ISU). She graduated with a second master’s in Education in 2016 through ISU. During her second master’s, she co-wrote an article titled “Getting to the “Core”: Vocabulary Instruction for Students with Significant Disabilities, which was published in the Illinois Reading Council Journal in Spring 2019. In 2016 she co-founded the Central Illinois Core Initiative (CICI) with a colleague from a neighboring school district. Together they presented at the Closing the Gap conference and co-wrote an article titled “Connecting Core Across Communities,” which was published in the April/May 2018 Closing the Gap Solutions publication. Through Annie’s work in District 87, she has completed training in the areas of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), Every Move Counts, Core Vocabulary, and Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP).