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Download our free resources that help to improve the communication, behavior, and social / emotional outcomes for students with autism in the school or home environment.


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A visual to help with deep breathing to self-regulate.

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Describes the antecedent, behavior and consequence when looking at behavior.

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ABC Data is a recording of what is happening before, during and after the target behavior. ABC stands for antecedent, behavior, and consequence.

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This behavior chart utilizes numbers that reference how many reminders the learner needed for each rule. This is a weekly behavior chart with visuals for each rule.

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This is a weekly behavior chart that includes rules. If the learner has a predetermined amount of smiley faces they can earn the treasure box/reinforcement.

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This behavior chart is designed to work for the entire day and at the end of the day, you review how many happy faces the student earned. They can earn the treasure box/reinforcement if they have met the predetermined amount.

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Individualize what each student looks like and sounds like in each zone (green, yellow, and red). These cards are intended for staff members, especially support staff or therapists to know what intervention to use according to the zone.

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Used to track the details of a behavior.

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Use individually for students who may struggle to verbalize they need a break. These can be given to a staff member when the student feels they need a break.

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This resource is used for change in a learner’s schedule. It visually shows them of the change and can help with a smoother transition.

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An "I want" board with a selection of 6 activity choices.

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Learners can use this choice board when needing to self-regulate. The choice board is taught and rehearsed when the learner is regulated and then brought out again when the student may need to calm down.

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Dinner choices for the learner to choose from.

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This choice board can be used for activities or food choices.

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A choice board with 6 selection options. This board can also be used to show how many points each reinforcer is worth.

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"I want" board with a selection of food options.

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This note can be used for elementary students. It has visuals for each subject area and includes space for written notes to go home/school.

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This note can be used for middle and high school students. It includes space for written messages for home/school. It also includes prompts used, reinforcers and strategies used.

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Quick checklist for home communication.

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This note is for the learner to fill out at the end of the day. It also has reminders for bus expectations.

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Importance of communication between home/school.
This communication note is ideal for older students. It includes information about lunch, interactions, and reinforcers.

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This note includes space for the learner to fill themselves as well as space for the teacher/parent to write a note.

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This note includes information on the learners day including zones of regulation.

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Lists an individuals’ legal rights.

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These visual communication cards are great to place on a student’s desk to help with initiation and communication needs and get their needs met.

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A visual used to identify expected behaviors that gain reinforcement rather than undesired behaviors.

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A Core Board is a colorful board with symbols that are fixed in one place. The words/symbols
used on the board are high-frequency words.

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Duration recording documents how long a student engages in a target behavior.

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Poster describing the difference between a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

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Reviews expectations of a fire drill at school.

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First-Then Board with blue border.

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Use this First-Then Board when students require objects to understand communication.

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First-Then Board with a yellow or blue background.

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Used for middle and high school students, this social story reviews expectations of following directions.

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Preference assessments are evaluations that can be done through observations or trial-based to determine a hierarchy of items that a learner might prefer.

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A visual to help with deep breathing to self-regulate.

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This document describes the four functions of behavior. This is a great resource to hang up in your classroom and have all staff read/become familiar with the functions of behavior.

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Explains what a trip to the dentist looks like.

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Social story that explains a doctor's visit.

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Green and red choices are used to describe behaviors. Green choices are positive, desired behaviors, whereas red choices are undesired behaviors.

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This hybrid token board includes the schedule, rules and what the learner is working for.

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Three spots for the learner to earn a star token.

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Used for primary grades. This token board has 5 spaces to earn a token.

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Allows the learner to communicate how they feel.

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These visuals are designed to go onto staff lanyards. They allow staff to have quick and easy access to visuals in all areas in the school.

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This greeting card provides options on who to speak to and what to say.

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A visual reminder of what is expected.

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26 stars to punch out when the learner engages in positive behavior or a target behavior.

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This document has a variety of punch cards, mainly for primary grades or a learner with a specific interest like Paw Patrol or sports.

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This allows the learner to pick a friend and activity during recess.

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A visual to help learners understand what they are expected to do once they arrive in the classroom and their expectations for dismissal.

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This schedule is in the form of a checklist and used for learner’s who have written schedules. Once they complete the task they can check it off and move on to the next task.

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This schedule can include the time or a visual of the task. The student can write/copy/trace the schedule themselves.

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This schedule is to be used in front of the entire class. It is a group schedule that provides a visual and the word of each task/class.

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Monthly calendar to visually show learners events/plans/tasks that are coming up.

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Use this schedule for learners who understand time. You can add a visual to this schedule for each task or use it as a written schedule.

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TOBI (True Object Based Icon) schedule is a transition between an object schedule and an icon schedule. Cut out the background/white of each picture when using a TOBI schedule.

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This visual schedule is broken down into morning and afternoon. It has space for 4 tasks each part of the day.

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Use this schedule for learners' who need visuals (pictures or icons) to understand. You can manipulate the schedule to only show the morning tasks then change the schedule in the afternoon.

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Write out the events/tasks/subjects for the week.

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Self-monitoring behavior chart that allows the learner to reflect on their goals. The level earned is based on how many checks they received.

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A sensory schedule is a structured and planned set of sensory activities embedded within a learner's daily routine. The schedule is designed to help maintain ideal levels of focus and emotional regulation throughout the day.

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Preference assessments are evaluations that can be done through observations or are trial-based to determine a hierarchy of items that a learner might prefer. This resource provides data tables for a Single Stimulus Preference Assessment for up to 3 separate sessions.

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Problem solving a situation and choosing the most appropriate response.

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Stop sign visuals can be placed on doors or spaces students need to ask permission to go to or are not allowed.

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This document is used to learn what steps a learner is missing while completing the entire handwashing task.

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Track your learner’s ability to wash their hands. Are they missing any steps?

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This data sheet helps staff know what steps the learner does not know while toileting. Continue to collect data to see progress from the learner.

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This data sheet is used to collect information on how the learner completes the task.

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This resource allows the learner to break down what happened, how it made them feel, how it made others feel and why it happened.

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This schedule has 7 spots for To Do tasks. Once a task is complete the learner then moves it to the ‘Done’ section.

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10 spaces for the star tokens.

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Fill up the caterpillar to earn the reinforcement.

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Used with early learners, the cookie jar must be full to earn their reinforcement.

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This board includes the rules and 5 spaces for the learner to earn a dinosaur.

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Lego board for Lego lovers!

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A reminder that displays appropriate ways to self-regulate when a learner is upset.

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A visual that describes what whole body listening is.

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This written schedule has a checklist format and also utilizes a token board.

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Zones of Regulation is a systematic, cognitive-behavioral approach to teach self-regulation and emotional control. It was designed to help individuals understand and manage their emotions and sensory needs effectively. The framework includes four color-coded ones based on emotion and states of alertness.

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